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"Vidékfejlesztés 2014 után: egy egészségesebb környezetet szolgál-e majd?"

A CEEweb, az ADEPT Fundatia, az EEB és a BirdLife Europe szeptember 15-én konferenciát szervez Brüsszelben, melynek közös témája az Európai Unió Közös Agrárpolitikájának "zöldítése" lesz.


A rendezvényre itt lehet regisztrálni, szeptember 6-ig.

We would like to cordially invite you to attend CEEweb for Biodiversity, European Environmental Bureau, BirdLife and Fundatia ADEPT’s Conference on “Rural Development Programmes in Action post 2014: How can they work towards a healthier environment?”

Where: Brussels
When: 15 September
Registration deadline: 6 September

Please register and read more here:

Short description of the event: Last December, after a long saga of negotiations, the reformed Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) finally got published in the official journal. There is huge concern about the extent to which the ‘greening’ of Pillar 1 will deliver for the natural environment.
Because of this, it is crucial that Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) deliver efficiently and effectively on environmental objectives. Member States have strategic choices to make in their RDPs, and, if the right choices are made, these can achieve significant outcomes for biodiversity, soil, water and climate.
By the end of July, all Member States shall have submitted their RDPs to the European Commission.

This conference will represent a timely opportunity to discuss with a wide range of people the content of these proposed national / regional Rural Development Programmes, and to check whether they address environmental needs and challenges in an appropriate and tailored way.
Please register immediately should you be interested to attend!

We look forward to welcoming you at the conference.


A konferencia megrendezését az Európai Bizottság támogatja.



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