Ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) conservation in Hungary and Romania

Project plan

Nimfea Nature Conservation Association



Theme of project

Conservation activities of Ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) as a flagship species, in Romania and Hungary.


The ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) is belonging to the globally threatend species because of its declining population.

The ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) is a protected species in Hungary since 1982, and its is strictly protected since 1992, because of its vulnerable status. The species is protected in Romania.

The MME  Birdlife Hungary prepared a Red List, where the ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) is mentioned among the rare species. The European population of the species is declining since the last decades. The area of the species is getting teared, the western border of its area is tighten to east. This tendency identify the population number and its future in Hungary. The breeding pairs were estimated 1200-1600 pairs in the 1980s, today we estimate about 500-900 breeding pairs.

Concrete, detailed informations are needed about the habitat-choosing, feeding- and reproduction biology and the endangering factors.

The habitats where the ferruginous duck usually appeared and breeded are well known, but the last six years there are very few data on the occuring and breeding places.

A well-based monitoring system would contribute to the adequate data-collection on the present status, the endangering factors, the habitat-choosing and the feeding- and reproduction biology.

International lobby activities are planned to reach the international protection and hunting-prohibition of the species.

Researches should be done for data collection on migration. There are no concrete information, where is the Hungarian ferruginous duck population wintering, and what is their migration route. The wintering and gathering sites also would be surveyed in Romania.

The fish-ponds of Hungary and Romania are very important habitats of the ferruginous duck. Several cases the nature conservational viewpoints are not considered during the fish-pond management and many protected and specially protected species are negatively effected because of the wrong management. The habitats, where the ferruginous duck breed and regularly occure are good and important protected species too. The long term conservation management of these sites contribute to the protection of many protected and specially protected species. The ferruginous duck-friendly fish-pond management will raise the nature conservational values of these artificial, but very important habitats, as the pond-turtle (Emys orbicularis), bittern (Botaurus stellaris), little bittern (Ixobrychus minutus), purple heron (Ardea purpurea), otter (Lutra lutra), etc., are living in these habitats. The ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) as a flagship species, contribute to the effective protection of many other species, which live on the same habitat.

The mortality of young birds is very high in the Trans-Tiszanian region (this problem does not occur in the case of the Wester-Hungarian population), and the reasons are not known well. Researches have to be started on the better understanding of this problem.

The Nimfea Nature Conservation Association started the fish-pond protection program in 1997. Several important habitats were surveyed and good-relationship is built with the owners of the fish-ponds, which is a good basis for a long-term project and long term cooperation.

The natural breeding-places are also known and protected, but there are no data on the condition-changeing of these habitats. The condition of the moorlands should be surveyed to detect the negative changeing in their condition to prevent the degradation of these sites.


Hungary, Great Plain, Trans-Tiszanian Region

Project summary

The ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) is a specially protected bird species in Hungary and protected in Romania. The declining of the European population can be detected in Hungary too, as less ferruginous ducks are migrating through Hungary and the breeding-population is declining. The breeding pairs were estimated 1200-1600 pairs in the 1980s, today we estimate about 500-900 breeding pairs. The most of the breeding-population is breeding on fish-ponds (many of them are not protected habitats). The breeding pairs are endangered by the fish-pond management as it does not consider nature conservational aims. Ferruginous ducks are shoot down in large numbers in Southern-East Europe, mainly by italian hunters, the present project aim to initiate the international protection of the species and the prohibition of the hunting. The project also aims to reveal the endangering factors, the reasons of high mortality among the young birds in the Trans-Tiszanian region, which problem does not occur in the case of the Western-hungarian population.

The ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) prefers to breed on islands, where other birds are breeding in colonies, like terns and gulls. Unfortunatelly only few places can be found, where islands were established on fishponds and only few places can be found, where gulls and terns can breed. The building of islands on fish ponds, firstly contribute to the establishment of breeding-bird colonies. The ferruginous duck can breed in a safe environment ont he islands, among gulls and terns, as furred predators can not damage the nests, and the nests are also protected against the herriers and other predators too, so the breeding success of ferruginous duck will increase and many other protected bird species can find good breeding sites, which contribute to the raising of their population.

Ferruginous ducks are gathering on several fish-ponds, some of them are not protected areas. The hunting is a disturbing factor and we have to count with the opportunity of shooting down of some individuals.

During the last few dry years, several ferruginous duck habitats were dried out or lost a lot of water. Many important habitats started to dry out and several species lost their habitat. Steps needed to take, to prevent the further habitat losses.

The Nimfea Nature Conservation Association realized the population declining of the ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) and started steps to reveal the the problem and to prevent several of them.

The protection of ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) can be done effectively if the species is better known than the present situation. National and international actions are needed for reaching the international protection of the species. The degradated habitats should be surveyed and initiations are needed for the rehabilitation of the sites. The ferruginous duck-friendly management of these sites contribute to the effective protection of several protected species. Initiations are needed for the approach-forming of fish pond owners.

Target groups

The owners and the managers of the fish-ponds and other wet-land habitats in Hungary and Romania.

The Hungarian Government, as the government can establish the funds for adequate fish pond management.

The Romanian Government, who can increase the severity of the protection of ferruginous duck.

Hungarian and Italian hunters, whom would be informed and supplied by publications which help the field identification of protected species, to reduce the shooting of protected species.

International and national organisations, for the lobby activities to reach the international protection of the species.

Used methods

Approach-forming, informing of the owners and the managers of the wet-lands and the fish ponds. The owned wet-lands provide good habitats for a lot of protected and strictly protected species. The conservation and the habitat management considering the needs of the ferruginous duck, as a flagship species, contribute to the population strenghtening of a lot of protected and strictly protected species.

The habitat-choosing and breeding-biology should be well known so researches have to be started. The migration routes and wintering places should be studied and surveyed, by the help of the ringing of the birds. The effective way of the studying of the migration is the using of satellite system.

The mortality of young birds is very high in the Trans-Tiszanian region (this problem does not occur in the case of the Wester-Hungarian population), and the reasons are not known well.

The endangering factors would be better known by the help of the project, that contribute to the preparation of a practical conservation plan on the ferruginous duck.

A monitoring system should be established for the surveying of the present habitats and the population. The archive data is available on the habitats but lately there are no sytematic data-collection on them.

Rehabilitation of former-habitats of the ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca), building of islands, as the gull- and tern colonies can not be found on the fish-ponds because of the lack of islands. Based on the existing data, ferruginous ducks prefer the islands and bird colonies, as several predators, like foxes can get in the island, and the gull colony provides shelter against herriers and other predators too.

International cooperation is needed for reaching the international protection of the species. Several organisations should be linked into the lobby activities to initiate the EU Parliament for paying attention to this species.

Financial information

1 EUR - 242 HUF


Existing funding (EUR)

In-house contribution (EUR)



Total costs (EUR)

Investment costs





Promoting of adequate managing methods on fishponds





Establishing of monitoring system for the regular studying of wildlife of the fishponds, investment of equipment





Establishing hides and high-stands for the studying of ferruginous duck in three sample-sites





Rehabilitation of wet-land sites (water-management, flooding, creation of islands, establishing and renovation of embankments, other soil works)





Editing and printing of publication for hunters - Identification of duck species in

Hungarian and Italian language





Arranging costs





Personal costs of project leading (for one year)





Expert costs (for one year)





Translation costs





Starting nature conservational monitoring, basic status studies





Communication costs (telephone, post, e-mail)





Travel costs (organising)





Office costs, using of office materials (Beklen Foundation)





Organising of meetings and discussions





Costs related to car and vehicle maintaining





Other, unexpected costs











Mr. R. Benedek Sallai - managing director of Nimfea Nature Conservation Association (nature conservational engineer)

Mr. Tivadar Kontos - program-leader of agri-environmental program (agri-engineer)

Mr. Ákos Monoki - targetprogram-leader of biodiversity protection (biology-environment protection teacher) - leader of ferruginous duck conservation program

Mr. Attila Sándor - Romanian Society of Ornithology - Romanian Partner of the program

Mr. Attila Nagy - Milvus Group - Romanian Partner of the program

Mr. Károly Nagy - MME BirdLife Hungary Monitoring Centre

Mr. Zsolt Nagy - MME BirdLife Hungary Monitoring Centre

Ms. Lilla Barabás - outer expert

Mr. Antal Széll - outer expert

Mr. Béla Dékány - student - volunteer

Mr. Zoltán Pabar - student - volunteer

Mr. Ádám Kiss - student - volunteer


Romanian Society of Ornithology and Milvus Group are the Romanian partners in the program.

Hortobágy Fish Producing Co. Partner in the program, as rehabilitation happens in their fish ponds.

Hortobágy National Park - as the most of the rehabilitation happens in the National Park.

MME - Monitoring Center - helps the coordination of the monitoring of wetland sites.


- conservation of ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca), stopping the declining of the population

- surveying of traditional and new habitats, forming of monitoring system for better knowing of Hungarian population, up-to-date database establishing, processing of archive data,

- detailed studying of the habitat-choosing, feeding- and breeding biology and endangering factors of ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca)

- detailed surveying of protected and strictly protected species, living on the fish ponds, mainly on the habitats of the ferruginous duck

- data collection on migrating routes, gathering- and wintering sites of the ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca)

- rehabilitation of degradated habitats, building of islands on large fish-ponds for the decreasing of predatory danger, contributing to the establishment of breeding bird colonies

- conservation of non-protected habitats of ferruginous duck, designation and declaring of these sites

- prohibition of hunting on the breeding- and gathering sites of ferruginous ducks (Aythya nyroca)

- approach-forming, informing for:

a) wet-land owners and managers

b) hunting communities and their members

c) local people

- promoting adequate managing methods on the habitats of the ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca), firstly on fish ponds and other wet-land habitats, lobby activities for better agri-environmental funding system

- international lobby activities for reaching the strictly protection of ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca), at European level for the complete prohibition of the hunting of the species (reached countries: Ukrain, Croatia)

Our conception

  The "key-habitats" are known from the archive data on ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca), just like the Pacsmag-fish ponds, Biharugra-fish ponds, Ohati-fish ponds. Several important habitats started to degradate in the last decades, that endangers the local breeding populations. The revealing of the negative changeing in the condition of several wet-land habitats is important from the view-point of the stopping the declining.

Habitats with less importance are also known from the archive data, and the habitats with only a few pairs of ferruginous ducks. The standpoint of the Nimfea Nature Conservation Association is that those habitats which has got one or only a few breeding pairs of ferruginous ducks, are important too. The surveying of these habitats have to be done. The important, but non-protected ferruginous duck habitats have to be declared to protected areas and the adequate managing methods should be maintained.

Those habitats are also have to be surveyed, which were important habitats, but in the last decades they lost their importance. If it is possible, the rehabilitation of these sites have to be done.

Researches have to be started for the better knowing of the feeding- and breeding biology of the species, the migrating routes and the wintering sites. That is needed, because in the wintering places the hunting cause huge losses in the European ferruginous duck population. The mortality of young birds is very high in the Trans-Tiszanian region (this problem does not occur in the case of the Wester-Hungarian population) only a few percentage of the young birds grow up, and the reasons are not known well. The continuous monitoring and observation of the life of the breeding pairs and ferruginous duck families is needed for the studying of the species. The predators and the concrete endangering factors have to be revealed and surveyed for the long term protection of the species.

The ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) lost its habitat in several sites in Hungary and in Romania too. The existing sites, which are mainly fish ponds are suitable breeding sites, but the mortality is very high. The establishing of islands on the fish ponds contribute to the establishment of breeding-bird colonies, which decrease the mortality of nests and young birds. That strenghten the population of the ferruginous duck and many other protected species.

The ferruginous duck is not protected in a few European countries. The hunting is a very important endangering factor, mainly in the case of migrating and wintering birds. The ferruginous duck have to enjoy strictly protection in Europe for the conservation of the species in the long run. The ferruginous duck is a strictly protected bird in Hungary, but a few individuals are regularly shot down by hunters, because of their lacking experience and knowledge. Not only Hungarian, but Italian hunters also shoot this bird, illegally. Hunting have to be prohibited on the breeding- and gathering sites of the species, considering that many other protected species are living on these habitats too.

The importance of the problem should be transmitted to the hunters by approach-forming. Seminars, courses should start for the informing of the hunters and for the improving their species recognition. Special identification book should be edited for the hunters, to help them in the species identification, to prevent the shooting of protected species.

Obtained results

  The fish pond protection program of the Nimfea Nature Conservation Association is running since 1997. Since than many fish ponds were surveyed, and good relationship was built with several owners.

Based on the fieldworks, a database was established for the processing the data, collected on fishponds. Data are collected on the flora and the fauna of the different fish ponds, and the year-to year changeings in the habitats. The breeding- and migrating population of the water bird species are surveyed.

The breeding population of the ferruginous duck is also surveyed on many fish ponds, and the revealing of endangering factors was started.

The approach-forming of the hunters started, a publication is under editing. This publication is for to develop the species-identification knowledge of hunters. This publication is specially for the help the identification of duck species, which can occure during the hunting season. The publication is planned to translate to italian language too, to inform the italian hunters about the Hungarian Law, and the protected species. The same publication is planned to printed in Romania too, in Romanian language to the approach-forming of Romanian hunters.

A short film was edited about the species, and several other short films were also edited to introduce to the people the wildlife of fish ponds and non-protected wet-land habitats. These films were broadcasted on local tvs.

International and national relationship was started to built with foreign and national organisations, to initiate the international protection of the ferruginous duck.

Effected species

Plants, associations:

Mainly the moorland vegetations, and different reed-grass vegetations.


Triturus vulgaris

Triturus cristatus

Rana esculenta

Rana lessonae

Rana ridibunda


Pond turtle (Emys orbicularis)


Red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena)

Little grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis)

Pygmy cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmeus)

Bittern (Botaurus stellaris)

Little bittern (Ixobrychus minutus)

Night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)

Squacco heron (Ardeola ralloides)

Great white egret (Egretta alba)

Purple heron (Ardea purpurea)


Otter (Lutra lutra)

Indicator species


Pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) +


Red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena) +

Little grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis) +

Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) +

Little bittern (Ixobrychus minutus) +

Great white egret (Egretta alba) +

Purple heron (Ardea purpurea) +

Mute swan (Cygnus olor) -

Spotted crake (Porzana porzana) +

Little crake (Porzana parva) +

Black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) +

Common tern (Sterna hirundo) +

Whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybridus) +

Black tern (Chlidonias niger) +

Importance of the project

The present support can ensure the backround for the printing, publishing and spreading of our publication for hunters. This publication help the hunters to identify the protected duck species, to prevent of shooting protected species. It contains the Hungarian, and Romanian Laws and regulations too. The publication will be translated to Italian language too, for the informing of Italian hunters.

The researches on the feeding- and breeding biology and the endangering factors of the ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) could be started by the help of this support. Maybe we can get answer on the reason of high mortality of young ferruginous ducks in the Trans-Tiszanian region.

The processing of the archive data on the ferruginous duck habitats can be started, and the surveying of the traditional and important sites also should be started.

The present support will contribute to the basing of a research program on the migration route and the wintering sites of the ferruginous duck, based on satellite technik.

The based monitoring system would collect data on the condition of wet-land habitats, their flora and fauna.

Habitat-rehabilitation would be started with the creation of new breeding sites. The rehabilitation would be done on former habitats, which are dried out. The building of islands, reconstruction of these sites and flooding contribute to the strenghtening of the Hungarian and Romanian population.

Suggestson would prepared for the rehabilitation of the damaged habitats and initiations would happen for their reconstruction.

National lobby activities can be started for the initiating of the establishing of the well working, and regular agri-environmental subsidies, becuse presently the system is not working. We would like to urge the Hungarian Government on the establishing of funds for the supporting and compensation of fish pond owners, because many protected and strictly protected species cause damages in the fish. The same initiations would be started in Romania too.

International lobby activities would started to initiate the international protection and hunting prohibition of ferruginous duck in Europe. We would like initiate it at the EU Parliament. The main aim is the stopping of hunting of ferruginous duck at least at the Croation wintering sites.

Túrkeve, 19. October 2004. 

Mr. Ákos Monoki
targetprogram leader of biodiversity protection
Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association
H-5420 Túrkeve
Kenyermezei str. 2/d
PO Box: 33.
Tel/Fax: +36-56-361-505
e-mail: akos@nimfea.hu
web: www.nimfea.hu


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