The NIMFEA Nature Conservation
Association work hard to undertake more and more projects, realizing
with wide cooperation, responding to professional challenges.
During the undertaking of the projects, the Associations find
some great partner organisations, with whom good partnership
was shaped.
Our success are their success too, so we please You respectfully,
to visit their website too.

Ökotárs Foundation
MME Hungarian
BirdLife Partner and its journal, the Madártávlat
HUMUSZ , and
its journal, the Kukabúvár
Ministry of
Environment Protection
Middle- and
Eastern-Eiropean Regional Environment
Protection Center
Universal Existence
Nature Protection Society
Energy Club
Életfa Environment
Protection Association
GATE Green Club
Göncöl Association
Air Workgroup
Hungarian Nature
Conservation Society
Pangea Cultural
and Environment Protection Association, Reflex Society
Süni Society