Endangered species - a wandering exhibition in Central Europe 2009
Crocodile shoes, caviar, shark fin soup, wolf fur, ivory – just to name a few of those products, which helped to push some species to the edge of extinction. Nimfea Environmental and Nature Conservation Association is the national coordinator of a regional wandering exhibition on the illegal trade of endangered wild fauna and flora – the exhibition has been implemented by the CITES Working Group of CEEweb for Biological Diversity.
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patrol for the safeguard of the Tisza mayflies
Nimfea Association, Hortobágy National Park and the
Water Police of the Tisza has conducted concerted
actions to prevent the illegal collection of the protected
mayfly of the Tisza. The Tisza River is in „full blossom”
in June – as the swarming of this fragile is called,
because the huge masses of buzzing mayflies make the
river look like a flowery meadow.
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supports the Global Ecotourism Conference 2007 (Oslo,
Norway, 14-16 May 2007
The World Conservation Union (IUCN) has joined the
Global Ecotourism Conference as one of its key supporters.
The conference, to be held in Oslo, Norway, from 14-16
May 2007, will discuss ways in which ecotourism can
contribute to making travel and tourism a viable sector
of a global sustainable economy.
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eel on the agenda of the CITES CoP 14 Nimfea
Association – as a member organization of the CEEWEB
CITES Working Group - developed a short position paper
in support of the proposal of the European Community
to include the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in
Annex II of the Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Please
read the main conclusions.
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forests of the Hungarian Plain
According to forestry statistics the area of forests
is continuously increasing in Hungary, thanks to the
versatile subsidy schemes, but the real tendency is
just the opposite – states the report compiled by
Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association.
The report uses case studies to illustrate the threats
to the forests of the Great Hungarian Plain.
nest for the Sakers
week the colleagues of Nimfea Environmental and Nature
Conservation Association were shocked to see that
the poplar trees next to the grassland called Fehér-tó
were cut. Unfortunately there was no possibility to
avoid logging trees, including the tree holding a
nest of Sakers.
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of project for making tourism sustainable at the Lake
The project "Strengthening public participation
in the tourism development of the Lake Tisza region"
implemented with the support of the PHARE Access programme
and the Swiss Foundation for Solidarity Tourism was
closed in October.
doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens
can change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. (Margaret
Mead) Nimfea
Environmental and Nature Conservation Association
wishes a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
on the Nimfea symposium
„Nature conservation measures for plant species and
plant communities”
In November the István Fekete Educational
Center hosted the next round of the symposium series
organized by Nimfea Environmental and Nature Conservation
Association on practical nature conservation measures
– this time the focus was on plant species and plant
communities, following earlier occasions dedicated to
invertebrates and vertebrates.
joins The World Conservation Union
The IUCN Council at
its 66th Meeting held in Gland from 6-8 November 2006
approved the admission of the Nimfea Environmental
and Nature Conservation Association as a member of
the Union in Category B (c) - national non governmental
organizations. For the Association it is a great opportunity
to enhance its capacities through participating in
the network, and to find innovative and more effective
ways to promote the conservation of natural values.
Farming for the Living Tisza
Nimfea Environmental
and Nature Conservation Association is a cooperating
partner of a three-year GEF-funded project aiming
to promote the revival of traditional floodplain farming
practices in the Tisza watershed – actually the Hungarian
Great Plain. The project puts a special emphasis of
community needs and local natural and cultural conditions.
successful volunteer weekend
The last weekend of
October was a busy weekend in and around the Istvan
Fekete Educational Center. Some thirty volunteers
gathered from all over the country to help us. The
youngest one of our active and dedicated volunteers
was about three years olda, while the oldest participant
was over 70. We would like to thank again for their
enthusiastic and effective work.
of Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association
at the IUCN Pan-European Meeting
IUCN, The World Conservation Union held
its Pan-European meeting dedicated to the 2010 initiative
on 18-21 October, 2006 in Barcelona. Nimfea Environmental
and Nature Conservation Association was represented
at the meeting as an applicant member to IUCN.
of cranes in Hortobágy
The migration of cranes
(Grus grus) is a memorable late autumn experience.
The number of cranes passing over the Hortobágy at
the end of October can be as high as 85000.
This bird also has a special role in Hungarian culture
and traditions, therefore it is especially important
to preserve their feeding and resting sites where
they can gather strength during their migration.
days in our bird rescue center
End of summer and early autumn have been a busy period
in the life of our bird rescue center. Inexperienced
chicks often become the guests of Nimfea Environmental
and Nature Conservation Association: unfriendly weather
can be harmful for these young birds, but traffic and
electrocution is also a frequent reason for bird injuries.
change campaign
last station of the one-week long Climate Deal campaign
was organized in Szolnok by Nimfea Environmental and
Nature Conservation Association and Tisza Klub in
partnership with Friends of the Earth Hungary, joining
to the Europe-wide campaign. During the campaign all
passers-by could make their deal to the policy-makers:
they could offer a small change in their own life
in exchange for a request from the decision-makers,
in order to stop climate change.
summer of successful youth camps at Nimfea
Nimfea Environment
and Nature Conservation Association has organized
and hosted several camps during the summer, introducing
dozens of children and young people to the beauties
of nature – here at the Educational Center as well
as at the Padis Plateau in the Romanian Bihor Mountains.
the network of wetland educational centers
The Educational Center of Nimfea Environment and Nature
Conservation Association became a member of the international
network of Wetland Link International, an official partner
of the Ramsar Convention in education and awareness-raising
in the field of wetland and nature conservation.
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watching and canoeing – what can we offer for nature
If you would like to see the natural
beauties of the Great Hungarian Plain, especially
Nagykunság, our ecotourism selection is for you! Nimfea
Environment and Nature Conservation Association offers
nature-friendly birding trips with photographing opportunities,
excursions on horse-back or by horse-cart across the
grasslands and along the river, canoeing and fishing
tours on the silent but wildlife-rich waters of Berettyó...
Here you can read about our offer in more detail.
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shoes of Cinderella – why motorway construction is against
rural development?
Why Cinderella is mentioned in the title? Because
the shoe doesn't fits the lady at all: the environmental
impacts of motorways are much more harmful, while the
economic and social benefits are significantly smaller,
than policy-making supported by the mass media suggests
us. What is the rationale of spending immense amount
of public money on transport infrastructure development
instead of the wise use of local resources? Why decision-makers
seem to ignore that the shoes simply do not fit???
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public participation in the tourism development of the
Lake Tisza region
Nimfea Environment
and Nature Conservation Association is implementing
a project in the region of the Tisza Lake to raise
awareness on the threats and opportunities of tourism
development and to promote a multi-stakeholder approach
in rural development, building on the needs and interests
of the local community, while preserving the unique
natural values of the lake.
can also support the programs of our Association!
has got the chance to support the aims of Nimfea.
The Association have made three different kind of
"brick tickets". If you buy one of our tickets
you can support the implementation of one of our main
The first brick ticket is for the reconstruction and
development of the windmill in Túrkeve. We would like
to have the windmill as an industrial monument declared
then give back the mill's original functions and preserve
it for the future generations.
at the Shepherd Festival of Túrkeve
This year the 8th Shepherd Festival was held in Túrkeve
on 13-14 May. Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation
Association was represented at the festival, where
the main focus was on the preservation of local traditions.
So the colleagues of the Association
welcomed the guests of the Nimfea stall wearing traditional
local folk costumes. The visitors could meet some
of the most important actors of the Landscape Rehabilitation
and Regional Development Program of Túrkeve, such
as the small flock of traditional racka and merino
flock was very popular among the visitors, there was
always someone around with a handful of grass feeding
and making friends with the sheep.
The sheep were shepherd to the Nimfea stall on their
feet, causing some surprise and amusement among the
participants of the festival.
A typical element of the traditional
local architecture, a reed hut ("kontyos kunyhó")
was built with the enthusiastic help of volunteers.
This kind of reed hut was an essential building in
the time where huge flocks of sheep grazed the grassland
guarded by a shepherd and his dog.
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weekend at the István Fekete Educational Center
Last weekend (6-7
May, 2006) was a very busy and productive weekend
in and around the István Fekete Educational Center
of Nimfea.
Despite the rainstorm disturbing the work, there were
about 30 volunteers actively participating during
the two days, and they made a significant progress:
the stable was whitewashed inside and outside; all
doors, gates, window-frames and the pen of the sheep
gained a cheerful green coating.
domestic animals grazing the grasslands of Túrkeve
We decided to start
updating the English website as well, so from now
on we will try to regularly provide some information
on our current activities.
Since last autumn, animal-keeping became a more active
field within the framework of the Túrkeve Landscape
Rehabilitation and Regional Development Program. This
complex program aims to revitalize grazing animal-keeping
in the region, in order to preserve the valuable habitats
of the surrounding grasslands and wetlands rich in
rare and protected species.