eel on the agenda of the CITES CoP 14
Association – as a member organization of the CEEWEB CITES
Working Group - developed a short position paper in support
of the proposal of the European Community to include the
European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in Annex II of the Convention
on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora. Please read the main conclusions.
The European eel {Anguilla anguilla (LINNAEUS,
1758)} – the only representative of the family Anguillidae
living in Europe – has faced serious difficulties in the recent
decades. Threatening factors include changes in ocean currents
affecting migration, habitat loss, pollution, the impact of
invasive species and local fishing, and also international
trade, as the European eel plays is commercially important
as food. Therefore it is strongly recommended to introduce
more rigorous regulation in order to improve its ecological
In 1980, the European Committee for the
Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources of the Council
of Europe classified the eel as “vulnerable”. The International
Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) considers the
European Eel "outside safe biological limits" in
the context of the Agreement for the implementation of the
provisions of the United Nations Convention of the Law of
the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the conservation and
management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory
fish stocks.
The life cycle and migration routes of
European eels are not exactly known. They spawn in the Western
part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the Sargasso Sea, in a depth
of about 100-200 meters. The hatching larvae (leptocephalus
larvae) are 5 mm long, shaped like a willow-leaf. They arrive
to the European shores in about two years drifting with the
ocean streams. In the meanwhile they change to the so-called
‘glass eel’ state, with a transparent, cylindrical body. Their
pigmentation develops gradually: it takes another year to
turn into ‘bronze/yellow eels’, while traveling upstream on
the rivers. Their inland water life phase begins. This state
lasts for 1-2 decades, until becoming sexually mature (the
‘silver ell’ state), when their seaward migration starts.
Thanks to their good adaptability and strong migration aptitude,
European eels could be found in larger and smaller rivers
as well, and also in various lakes, river arms and larger
channels – eels were common in all kinds of inland waters.
Originally this species is common
in the European shores of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean
Sea; it is rare in the Black Sea and its rivers, but it is
definitely autochthonous.
The regional eel population has come close to becoming extinct
as a result of the regulation of rivers, the Iron Gate on
the Danube and massive dying of the last decade. Due to the
specific development cycle of the eel (catadromous species),
it has become more and more difficult for the progeniture
to return to its natural habitats, partly because of the regulation,
dams and other interventions in the catchment area, and partly
because of the higher pollution levels. Similar to sturgeons
(Acipenseridae), the self-sustaining populations of eels are
victims of river management practices.
On the Western European market there is a significant demand
for eels (glass, yellow and silver eels are favoured in different
regions). Eel fishing provides a crucial income for over 25,000
European eel populations are also used as the basis for Asian
eel aquaculture. Most of the captive bred eel production is
based on catching and rearing wild-caught juvenile “glass
eels”. More than 90% of the world production of eels is cultured
in Asia. Especially Chinese eel farms use European glass eels
for breeding. Beside exports, eel poaching also exists, particularly
in southern Europe.
Considering its economic profitability,
commercial and recreational fisheries tried to counteract
this tendency with artificial populations. As a result, eels
were caught by anglers in a higher proportion for a short
period. Nevertheless, currently natural populations are in
decline, as over-fishing is also posing a threat to eel populations,
beside the changes in the integrity of river systems. As a
result of these complex factors, the species became endangered.
For the preservation of the species, the introduction of effective
restrictive, control and conservation measures are recommended.
In the long term the only solution is the restoration of rivers
acting as an ecological corridor, in accordance with the approach
of the Water Framework Directive of the European Union.

Further reading:
CEEWEB CITES Working Group
Eel stocks dangerously close to collapse
Eels: their harvest and trade in Europe and Asia