joins The World Conservation Union
IUCN Council at its 66th Meeting held in Gland from 6-8 November
2006 approved the admission of the Nimfea Environmental and
Nature Conservation Association as a member of the Union in
Category B (c) - national non governmental organizations.
For the Association it is a great opportunity to enhance its
capacities through participating in the network, and to find
innovative and more effective ways to promote the conservation
of natural values.
mission of Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association:
Our efforts serve to eradicate, mitigate and if possible prevent
the impacts resulting from the growth of human population;
stop the overexploitation of natural resources; promote the
sustainable use of natural resources and the preservation
of biodiversity, consequently improve the quality of human
life and contribute to the long-term sustainability of human
the words of István Fekete, the famous Hungarian writer:
“...Benefiting good, flaring flame and light in those who
are questing and awaiting Beauty, to flare light, joy and
love in themselves and in others as well...”
The Union’s mission is to influence, encourage and assist
societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and
diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural
resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.
Therefore Nimfea’s membership in IUCN was a completely logical
and timely action. We have known the activities and worldwide
recognition of the Union, however we needed to make further
investigations about the benefits of membership. After visiting
the IUCN Headquarters in Gland, Switzerland, and meeting some
of the dedicated staff, the Board of Nimfea decided to submit
its application, which was approved by the Council Meeting
on 6-8 November 2006.
The World Conservation Union was founded in October 1948.
Since then The World Conservation Union became the world’s
largest and most important conservation network. The Union
brings together 83 States, 110 government agencies, 82 international
non-governmental organizations and 736 national non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), 32 affiliated organizations, and some
10,000 scientists and experts from 181 countries in a unique
worldwide partnership.
While IUCN is acting rather on the global, international level,
the initiatives of our Association are targeting the local
and national level. We are convinced that policy- and decision-making
should be influenced on all levels, and stakeholders need
to be involved also on all levels, therefore the activities
of IUCN and Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association
can perfectly complete and strengthen each other's impacts.
We wish to distribute the information and knowledge from the
global fora to the national and local actors, and we can also
make use of the experiences of other IUCN members and cooperate
with them within the country through strengthening the IUCN
National Committee, as well as on the international scene.
We are ready to take an active part in IUCN activities, by
implementing international policies locally, and by channeling
on-the-ground experiences to the network, we are willing to
enforce the watchdog role of IUCN.
webpage of IUCN:
